Wood Element-Spring![]() "In Spring people should rise early with the sun, and take brisk walks."— Nei Ching The Wood phase of the Five Element Cycle is supported by the Liver who ensures a smooth, even flow of Qi and blood throughout the Bodymind. Strong, smoothly flowing Liver energy can be encouraged during the Wood phase by permitting ourselves to express our anger appropriately as it arises (shouting in the forest, chopping wood, throwing eggs against an outside wall, working with clay, specific Qigong exercises, journaling), as well as beginning those new projects, nutritionally cleansing, and spending more time outdoors! Wood gives us a vision of the future and the energy, determination and motivation to move towards it. Self-assertion and the ability to put up appropriate boundaries. Out of balance Wood, leads to frustration, depression, boredom, hopelessness, and lack of motivation. Represented by the Meridians of the Liver and Gall Bladder. TCM's Top Ten Conditions That Indicate a Liver Dysfunction (Wood Imbalance) -Menstrual cycle problems; PMS, cramps, breast tenderness -Yeast infections -Anger -Mood Swings and Irritability -Brittle Nails -Headaches on Either Side of the Head - Eye Irritation -Tendon Problems -Stress -Bloating and Indigestion As we enter Spring which is associated with the Wood Element, these conditions may become more noticeable. In traditional Chinese medicine, the Wood element represents the liver and the gall bladder A Customized, Personal Jin Shin Do Acupressure Session can assist you to release Qi blockages and stagnation, as well as assisting you to Relax, Reduce Stress, Release Pain, and Gain Insight & Clarity. Wood Element in Balance: Compassion, Kindness, Decisiveness, Commitment, Direction, Responsibility, Appropriate Anger, will to Become, Self-Assertion. These are all gifts of Wood in Balance. Spring is a time of yin growing into yang. SEASON: Spring ORGAN: Liver (yin) 1-3pm Gallbladder (yang) 11pm-1am DIRECTION: East COLOR: Green SOUND: Shouting EMOTION: Anger/Will to become ODOUR: Rancid TASTE: Sour ORIFICE: Eyes SENSE ORGAN: Eyes FLUID: Tears CLIMATE: Wind PLANET: Jupiter/Uranus QUALITY: Decision making/Planning/Action GOVERNING BODY PART: Muscles/Tendons INDICATING BODY PART: Nails/Hands&feet HIGHEST EXPRESSION: Benevolence SPIRIT: Ethereal Soul (Hun) SPRING FOODS Wheat, peaches, fowl, sprouts, fruit & veggie juices, young spring greens, dandelions, nettles, basil, fennel, marjoram, rosemary, dill, bay leaf are all Wood nourishing foods. Begin to eat more raw foods and start to cook food for shorter times.Sprouts and other "light" foods encourage quickness and outward movement of the Wood phase in general. Doing a Liver Cleanse ANY time during the Spring is always a great idea! Click here for the Cleanse I use and recommend Our livers are just waiting for the abundance of dandelions blossoming during this time. SPRING HERBS Nettles – blood purifier, high in chlorophyll,iron, vitamin C, trace minerals, diuretic, tonic, skin cleanser & liver tonic Dandelion root & leaf- greens are high in vitamin A; roots are a kidney & blood cleanser, liver cleanser & tonic,diuretic. Great for congested liver. Sassafras bark- blood purifier, skin & joint cleanser, cleanses the whole system Burdock –bitter, diuretic, skin & blood purifier, great for liver and skin conditions Yellow Dock –blood cleanser, promotes bile flow, stimulates bowel & liver Simmer 1 tbsp. Root/bark in 1 cup water for 15-20 min.Steep 1tbsp. Leaves in 1 cup water for 10min. ESSENTIAL OILS Lavender: self expression, insomnia, nervous tension, palpitations, skin imbalances Bergamot: uplifting, relaxing, releasing, digestive stimulant, colic, urinary infections Chamomile: calmative, digestive stimulant, nourishes solar plexus, pms relief, clears heat Everlasting: unblocks emotions, colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies Grapefruit: lymphatic decongestant, astringent, cooling, cleansing, reviving Yarrow: diuretic, healing, protecting, flues, fever, urinary antiseptic. Dandelion Corn Bread With high levels of iron, potassium and beta-carotene, dandelion stimulates digestion and aids the liver. I use dandelion leaves and petals...the petals have lots of Vitamin D. Harvest and Prepare the dandelions to get about 1-2 cups of each of the leaves and petals, using the tender leaves finely chopped, and the petals pulled out. Preheat oven to 400 F, and grease an 9x12 inch pan (I use an 11" cast iron frying pan) Sift together and set aside: 2 c flour ( I use half quinoa flour) 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda 3/4 tsp salt Beat together in a large bowl, in this order: 2 eggs 1/2 c sugar 2 c buttermilk 1/4 c butter, melted and sl cooled 1 c stone ground cornmeal Stir dry ingredients and chopped dandelion leaves and prepared petals into the buttermilk mixture. Turn into prepared pan. Bake at 400 F for 25-30 min, or until wooden pick inserted in the center comes out clean. Serve warm. Makes 12 Servings. |